Kauls & Co. - More about Frederik Kauls
Kauls & Co. - More about Frederik Kauls

Frederik Kauls

General Director

Frederik is a man with great vision and aspirations.

Inspired by the innovation and honest success of the existing Kauls family business, and boosted by his own management training, it was always clear Frederik would follow in the family footsteps – and go even further with new ideas. Frederik has already been able to secure new clients in emerging markets since taking over the company 2015.

Frederik cares about his customers. Like his father and uncle before him, Frederik cares greatly about the interpersonal side of business and values face-to-face contact, mutual satisfaction, and settling deals with a heartfelt handshake. His time in San Francisco and Shanghai has helped him to better understand and anticipate the needs of his multinational customers. Frederik prides himself on being a good, reliable, and trustworthy business partner.

Frederik has traditional, honest values. Fairness, openness, and dedication have long been Kauls family values, both in life and in business. Frederik is certainly no exception. Ask him his worst nightmare, and it is the thought of being understood otherwise. Frederik is a businessman everyone enjoys doing business with: a man who enjoys simple and fair partnership based on mutual honesty and respect.

About us: Frederik Kauls

What are you looking for?

We have over 700 suppliers and are in regular contact with their engineers. When you have a problem, you can talk to us.
We can help you to identify and resolve whatever issues you may have, working as a go-between between you and the supplier to ensure dedicated service and quick, hassle-free problem-solving. Our goal is to be your stable and reliable partner, there to make your life simple.

Email us now, call us at midnight – whatever you need, whenever you need it, we are here to help.

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